​Education is a cornerstone of Life Concern Organization's (LICO) mission, aiming to increase access to quality education for children and youth in rural and vulnerable communities of Malawi. Despite notable strides in the education sector, the country continues to face significant challenges, particularly in rural areas. According to UNESCO, Malawi has over 4.5 million students enrolled in primary and secondary schools, with a striking 83% of them in primary education. However, 11% of children of primary school age remain out of school, mainly due to poverty, a lack of conducive learning environments, and high dropout rates. ​ ​ LICO seeks to address these challenges through targeted interventions that tackle both the demand and supply sides of education. The root causes of low school enrolment, such as the lack of school fees, inadequate school infrastructure, and limited learning materials, are critical barriers to education for many children. To mitigate these issues, LICO has developed a multi-faceted education support program aimed at creating sustainable educational opportunities for children and youth. ​ One of the key interventions is infrastructure development, which includes the construction of classroom blocks, libraries, and modern toilets. This not only improves the learning environment but also addresses the health and safety concerns of students, particularly girls. LICO also provides essential learning materials such as desks, study lamps, library books, and sports equipment to primary and secondary schools. ​ In addition, LICO supports vulnerable students through bursary scholarships and the provision of school uniforms, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their educational journey. To combat gender disparities, LICO improves menstrual health management by distributing reusable sanitary pads to adolescent girls, helping them stay in school. ​ Beyond formal education, LICO trains out-of-school youth in digital literacy and vocational skills, linking them to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Capacity-building programs for school governance structures like School Management Committees (SMCs) and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) further enhance community involvement and oversight in education. By removing barriers to education, LICO empowers communities to achieve sustainable, equitable access to quality education for children, adolescents, and youth in Malawi. ​
NOREC Staff Exchange Program for Capacity Development
Life Concern Organisation (LICO) actively participates in the Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC) Staff Exchange Program, in collaboration with Primrose Community Health Organisation (PriCHO) in Zambia. This international partnership, funded by NOREC, aims to strengthen the capacities of both organisations by facilitating staff exchanges and knowledge sharing. NOREC, an executive body under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supports global partnerships for sustainable development through skill exchanges and expertise sharing among young professionals. The NOREC program plays a pivotal role in LICO's capacity development efforts. By providing staff members with opportunities for international exchange, the program allows them to gain invaluable intercultural experiences, develop professional skills, and bring innovative ideas to the organisation. Participants are exposed to new work environments and diverse approaches in areas such as Economic Empowerment, Food Security, Nutrition, Climate Change, Education, Gender, and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), which are key focus areas for both LICO and PriCHO. This helps the organisation deliver more impactful programs while fostering long-term professional growth for the staff. Without such capacity-building initiatives, organisations like LICO may struggle with stagnation and inefficiency. Staff lacking exposure to new ideas and skills are less likely to innovate, which can limit the organisation’s ability to adapt to changing challenges in the communities they serve. Moreover, poor staff capacity can lead to lower productivity, weaker project outcomes, and difficulties in maintaining organisational growth. The exchange program prevents these issues by continuously enhancing the competence, inclusivity, and collaboration within the workforce. The success of the NOREC program is evident in the ongoing exchanges since 2019, involving four participants annually from both LICO and PriCHO. Participants like Wongani Chilongo and Tiwonge Yagontha (2024), Elizabeth Mzumara and Deborah Gondwe (2023), and Frank Phiri and Martha Nyasulu (2019), have returned with fresh perspectives that contribute to the betterment of the Organisation and the communities it serves. In conclusion, the NOREC Staff Exchange Program is a crucial pillar for LICO’s development, fostering robust collaborations, and ensuring the organisation remains innovative and effective in addressing key challenges in Malawi.
Life Concern Organization (LICO) is dedicated to promoting the economic empowerment of women, youth, and vulnerable populations, including those living with disabilities, to address the deep-seated economic disparities in Malawi. The country's economy remains strained, with over 70% of the population living below the poverty line, according to UNICEF. Women and children are particularly affected, with 63% of children living in poverty and 66.7% of working-age women engaged in vulnerable employment. Women also face wage inequalities, lower literacy rates, and limited access to secondary and tertiary education, which restrict their ability to improve their economic standing. LICO recognizes these challenges and has implemented various sustainable initiatives aimed at fostering entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and agricultural productivity among women and youth. By providing women and youth with the skills and resources they need to become financially independent, LICO seeks to break the cycle of poverty and create pathways toward self-sufficiency. A key intervention is supporting women’s groups with farm inputs and livestock for agricultural activities. These groups grow crops and raise livestock, generating income that helps improve their households by funding essentials like housing and education for their children. LICO also promotes small-scale businesses by providing startup capital, along with ongoing support in financial management and literacy, helping beneficiaries manage their income sustainably. Village Savings and Loans (VSL) programs are another cornerstone of LICO's economic empowerment strategy. These programs encourage women and youth to save and invest their income, fostering a culture of financial resilience. LICO further enhances these efforts by linking beneficiaries to financial institutions, providing access to formal credit and investment opportunities to scale their businesses. LICO also promotes green economic activities and trains participants in digital marketing and cybersecurity, recognizing the importance of modern skills in today’s digital economy. By empowering women and youth, LICO is contributing to the creation of an economically vibrant Malawi where vulnerable populations can actively participate in and benefit from the country's economic growth.
Gender-based violence (GBV) against women and children is a critical issue in Malawi, with devastating impacts on the physical, emotional, and social well-being of survivors. One in five girls and one in seven boys experience sexual violence, often multiple times. These acts of violence, ranging from sexual harassment to exploitation, deeply affect children across all parts of society, leaving lasting scars. LICO is committed to addressing these alarming trends by implementing programs aimed at preventing and responding to violence against women and children. LICO’s interventions focus on raising awareness and promoting the rights of women and children, ensuring that perpetrators are apprehended and survivors are supported. One key initiative is the establishment of "He for She" clubs in primary schools, where learners are trained as champions in GBV prevention. These champions actively engage their peers, fostering a culture of respect and protection for all children. In addition to school-based programs, LICO intensifies community awareness through education using Toys (Edu-Toy) and radio programs. The organisation collaborates with law enforcement agencies to bring justice closer to the people by holding mobile court hearings directly in communities. This ensures timely handling of child sexual abuse cases, sending a strong message that such acts will not be tolerated. To further bolster protection efforts, LICO works with community-based structures like women’s forums and child protection committees, building their capacity to prevent and manage child abuse cases. Special attention is given to children with disabilities, providing them with self-defense training, walking aids, and other social needs to ensure their safety.
increasing access to srhr and hiv prevention services
Malawi faces significant challenges in the fight against HIV/AIDS, especially among women and children. In 2020 alone, 2,300 children were newly infected with HIV, and 25% of children living with HIV are unaware of their status. Women also face greater barriers to accessing healthcare, which exacerbates the impact of HIV/AIDS and other sexual and reproductive health issues. Life Concern is committed to addressing these challenges by increasing access to sexual reproductive health services and enhancing HIV/AIDS prevention efforts, particularly in underserved communities. LICO’s interventions focus on high-risk groups, including adolescent girls, young people, women of reproductive age, female sex workers, and people living with HIV. One of the organisation’s flagship efforts is the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Through male involvement initiatives and health awareness campaigns in Rumphi and Salima districts, LICO has reached married couples, adolescents, and HIV-exposed infants, providing crucial HIV testing, treatment, and prevention services. To strengthen community-level engagement, LICO establishes study circle groups that serve as HIV information hubs, encouraging male participation in health services and reducing home deliveries. Community outreach clinics are also organized to offer a variety of services, including HIV testing and treatment, STI screening, cervical cancer screening, and access to modern contraceptives. LICO also revitalizes youth-friendly spaces in health facilities, ensuring young people can conveniently access comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services. In addition, peer leadership programs train girls and female sex workers to act as community gatekeepers, disseminating vital information on HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). Furthermore, LICO supports adolescent girls through menstrual health education and the distribution of reusable sanitary pads, addressing both their reproductive health and menstrual hygiene needs.